top 5 best dog tricks that are easy to teach

Top 5 Best Dog Tricks – Awesome Tricks that are Easy to Teach

Dogs have been performing tricks for centuries. I want to showcase some of the best dog tricks I’ve seen that are the easiest to teach. I’ve done my research, and I found that these animals are a lot smarter than a lot of people think.

Some of the things that dogs can do are just mind-boggling.

In the article below I’m going to show you 5 of the best dog tricks that are the easiest tricks to teach that I have found.

1. The Balance a Treat on Nose Trick

Can you believe that some of these dogs can be so obedient that they can have a treat rested on their nose and not go after it as soon as it’s placed there.

This trick really shows the self control a dog can have if trained properly.

Once you get your dog to master this trick, you will surely be the life of the party with your friends and family.

In the video the woman starts by touching the dog’s nose to get the dog used to having something on its nose and then praising it when it doesn’t move when she rests it there for longer than a couple seconds.

After getting the dog used to having her hand on the dog’s nose she then starts to introduce treats.

She uses the “leave it” command when the dog tries to go after the treat before she performs the trick.

She then does the same thing she did with the treat that she was doing with her hand.

Doing this gets the dog used to having the treat on its nose without going after it.

Whenever the dog does go after it she would use the “leave it” command again.

the best dog tricks

After she does this she then rests the treat on the dogs nose and rewards the dog with a treat if it can keep it there for a few seconds.

The dog then starts to realize that it gets rewarded for leaving the treat there.

Using her methods, keep doing this over and over until the dog can rest the treat on their nose for a long period of time.

Eventually you will have a treat holding nose dog on your hands!

2. The Wave Goodbye Trick

This one is one of my favorite tricks because of how cute it is.

In the video the woman shows you how to train your dog to wave and how easy it can be.

When teaching this trick, you’re going to want to have a clicker to mark when your dog has done something correct, as well as several small treats that you can be used as rewards.

It is easiest to teach your dog to wave good-bye by first teaching them a high five. Then you can transition over to the wave.

You can start teaching this trick by holding a treat inside of your hand, bringing it close to your dog and waiting for your dog to paw at your hand.

Once your dog does this that’s when you click the clicker and then reward them by giving them a treat.

Then you can start adding a verbal que. The verbal que the woman chooses in the video is “bye”.

She says “bye” and then gives a hand signal and then uses the clicker and rewards the dog with a treat.

With enough repetition the dog will learn this amazing new trick!

3. The Classic Roll Over Trick

This is probably the most known dog trick of all the best dog tricks in the entire universe!

I present to you… the “Roll Over” dog trick!

If you haven’t taught your dog how to roll over yet and are just as excited as I am, check out the video below and you will learn step by step how to get your dog to perform this amazing trick!

In the video, the man shows you exactly how to get your dog to perform the roll over trick.

The takeaways I get from the video are:

  1. Have dog treats so that you can reward your dog when they are performing the trick correctly
  2. Use the dog treats to help the dog perform the trick correctly
  3. Hold the dog treats in your hand while performing the motion in which the dog will be rolling over
  4. Finally, give the dog a treat each way through the movement. 1st treat when the dog lays down. 2nd treat when the dog moves to it’s side. 3rd treat when the dog is on it’s back and the final treat you move away from the dog a little bit and give it to them when the have done a complete roll over

4. The Speak On Command Trick

One of the funnest dog tricks to have your doggo perform is “speak”.

It’s pretty amazing that your dog can listen to your voice and follow what you are saying.

I watched the video above and I love the way the man explains how to get your dog to respond to this command.

It’s very easy as he points out in the video.

All the trainer does is holds a handful of dog treats in front of the dog and rewards the dog when he starts to perform the trick the that trainer is looking for.

It starts with a low growl and then it turns into the exact trick that the trainer is looking for.

Genius! At Least, the dog is 🙂

Man, I just love these animals!

5. Last But Not Least, The Sit on Command Trick

As if this trick was not going to be listed on this article.

Ha! Sit is probably the easiest trick to have your dog perform but if you needed a place to learn how to do this then I wanted to provide that for you!

I found this amazing video where this brilliant lady shows you how to get your dog to sit in a few easy steps.

In the video the lady breaks it down into easy steps.

The first step is to guide the dog into position. You do this by holding a treat above their head and bring them into the position that you want.

The next step is to start weaning off the hand signal so that they can start to perform the trick with just the voice command.

Finally, start giving your dog the command sit and then rewarding the dog when it has performed the trick correctly with a “Good boy/girl” and a treat!

That’s all folks that was 5 of the best dog tricks that are easy to teach and easy for your dog to learn and perform.

If you have any comments or questions leave them below and I will answer them!

Take care!